The Results

Based on the answers to the previous questions, your “core” or “basic” behavioral style is what we call a High S or High Steady. Below are several descriptors of a High S:

The High S
Steady, Relater, Amiable, Phlegmatic

Passive Mild Sincere
Possessive Inactive Non-demonstrative
Amiable Friendly Team Player
Steady Systematic Patient
Predictable Serene Complacent
Relaxed Deliberate Stable
Understanding Good Listener  

Famous High S's

Television World: Andy Griffith, “Matlock”
Sports World: Walter Payton
Political World: Barbara Bush

Remember, the DISC language is based on “observable” behavior. Here are some famous high S's:

Andy Griffith, "Matlock"

Andy Griffith, in his role as “Matlock”, plays a person who is steady, easy going, and relaxed. His character portrays a modest, non-assuming, friendly, and ordinary person – a shuffling, ‘aw shucks”, down-home, family man thrust into unusual circumstances. He continually wins with knowledge, patience, and persistence.

Walter Payton

Consistency and reliability are the hallmarks of this style – epitomized by Payton’s NFL record eleven years without missing a game. During those eleven years, Walter Payton never failed to give a creditable performance. He holds NFL records for most yardage as a running back, most 100-yard rushing games, and most carries. Only one man in all of sports history can be compared to Payton in terms of reliability, consistency, longevity, and greatness. That man is Lou Gehrig. Note also the loyalty, as Payton spent his entire career in a Chicago Bears uniform.

Barbara Bush

Gentle, calm, relaxed, and with a deep concern for others, Barbara Bush is also a High S. She has close ties to her family, and she seems always willing to help others. She endeared the hearts of America to her causes and added a distinction to her office as First Lady. America respects and loves the gentle, calm, stability of Barbara Bush.

Emotion of the High S: Non-emotional

Read carefully to avoid misunderstanding. High S's are very emotional. So, why are we saying Non-emotional? High S's have an inherent ability to “mask” their emotions. Whether they are going through a terrible personal ordeal or have just won the lottery, you may not know. High S's do not express their emotions. If you play a game where bluffing is involved (we recommend you don’t), you will experience the power of the “non-emotion” of the High S.

The strong side of this trait is that the High S can build a great team while going through tough personal events. The weak side of this trait is that internalized emotion is not physically or mentally healthy. High S's will open up and share their concerns with people they trust. Conversely, Low S's openly display their emotions – wearing their “heart on their sleeve”.

Outstanding Characteristics of the High S

Need to Serve

The High S has an inherent need to serve. Always the one to help out, the High S lends a hand to get the job done. Other styles may serve for differing reasons, but the High S has a natural tendency to do so. In other words, serving and helping energizes the High S.


High S's do not switch jobs very often; they prefer to remain in one company as long as possible. Also, the High S will tend to stay in a relationship a long time, be it business or personal, for reasons of security and harmony. With the goal of harmony, High S's become very adaptable to the situation, modifying their behavior in order to achieve a sense of stability and harmony.

Patient, relaxed

Showing a cool, relaxed face, High S's are not easily triggered or explosive in nature. Although they are very active emotionally, they do not show their emotion. Having an introverted personality, they will hide their problems and not wear their “heart on their sleeve”. High S's have been known to lead their teams to great heights, even while going through incredible personal struggles.

Long-term relationships

High S's will develop strong attachments to their work group, family, club, or association. They operate very well as members of a team and coordinate their efforts with others easily. They will strive to maintain the status quo, since they do not want change that is unexpected or sudden.


Closure is essential for the High S. In other words, they must be allowed to finish what they start. To start several jobs and leave them undone is stressful to the High S. In a task-oriented situation, they should be given a few tasks and allowed to complete them before moving on. Having to “juggle” many balls at once is also stressful to the High S. The tendency observed is for High S's to read one book before they start another. High S's have been observed to dislike watching a movie or television show if they missed the start of the program.

High S's, once in an established “groove” or pattern, can follow it with unending patience. They have the ability to do routine work, at all skill levels, and develop good work habits.

Amiable, easy going, and relaxed, the High S will build strong relationships with a few close people. Sensibility, low risk, steadiness, and serenity mark the High S’s style.

By utilizing the famous examples and the outstanding characteristics, the High S’s behavioral style should be beginning to develop clearly in your mind. The DISC language is based on observable behavior. By opening your “behavioral eyes”, you will begin to notice the High S's around you.

Recognizing the High S

Understanding that the DISC language interprets HOW we act, behavioral observation has proven that the following attributes usually apply to the High S behavioral style. Employ these cues to assist in quick recognition of the High S.

Quick High S Observable Indicators

Extroverted/Introverted: Extroverted
People- or Task-Oriented: People
More Direct or Indirect: Indirect
Overextensions: Possessiveness
Geared to/Looking for: Trust
Emotion of the High S: Non-emotional
Emotion of the Low S: Emotional

Observable Behavior: "How the High S's Act"

Buy: Slow decision maker, traditional products
Change: Does not like change, needs much preparation
Conflict Response: Tolerate, put up with it
Drive: Relaxed pace, no hurry
Decorate an Office:

Family snapshots, “homey” atmosphere

Gesture: Will gesture with hands, not large sweeping gestures
Goal Setting: Goals are short-term and low risk, may use daily to-do lists
Letter Writing:

Long letters giving lots of information


Usually some type of system, a little on the sloppy side


People stories, fiction and nonfiction

Risk Factor:

Moderately low risk-taker


Will usually follow time-tested, proven rules

Stand: Leaning back, hand in pocket
Stress Relief:

Rest time/sleep, hot baths

Talk on the Phone: Warm conversationalist, friendly and concerned
Talk to Others: Warm, not pushy, will listen before talking
Walk: Steady, easy pace
Magazines They May Read: Reader’s Digest, National Geographic
Color Noticed First: Blue

Other Important Behavioral Clues

Refer often to the behavioral cues until you have a clear picture of the High S’s pure style. Any one of these observable cues can instantly tell you that you are relating to a High S. You must invest time in learning the language in order to use it effectively.

Pure styles are being described in this section! The High S style is definitely affected by the intensity of the D, I, and C response. Effective language learning will give you the skill to recognize the effect of the other factors and adapt accordingly.

Value of the High S to the Team

1. Dependable team worker
2. Work hard for a leader and a cause
3. Great listener
4. Patient and empathetic
5. Good at reconciling factions, calming and stabilizing
6. Logical, step-by-step thinker
7. Will finish tasks started
8. Loyal, long-term relationships

1. Dependable team worker

Always willing to help out, the High S will be a great team player. By staying in a situation a long time, the High S’s loyalty has a stabilizing effect on the team.

2. Work hard for a leader and a cause

If the High S believes in the leader and the cause, they will work extremely hard to make it happen. (Other styles will also work hard, but for different reasons.) High S's will be quick to assist others in areas they are familiar with. When the High S accepts a task, expect them to be around for a while and to logically move toward completion.

3. Great listener

Listening skills are natural for High S's. Even when interrupted, they will stop and look you in the eye and listen. This great listening ability makes them natural at helping people work through problems. Combine that with their logical thinking, and they become great assets to have on the team.

4. Patient and empathetic

High S's are very patient. They really try to understand the situation the other person is in and can sometimes become too adapting. Usually, they will give the other person the benefit of the doubt and may stay in a situation or relationship too long – hoping against hope that it will get better.

5. Good at reconciling factions, calming and stabilizing

Driven by a desire for harmony and peace, High S's can be a great asset in stabilizing a conflict situation. Again, their patience, listening ability, and logical approach can bring the team back into harmony and focus.

6. Logical, step-by-step thinker

When involved in the planning process, High S's are a great asset. Often, goals are set, and the plans to get there are never thought out. High S's can bring lofty ideas back to the real world and point out gaps and flaws in the plan, due to their logical thinking process.

7. Will finish tasks started

Closure is of utmost importance to High S's. They can, but do not enjoy, juggling a lot of balls. A task that is started must be finished. The High S will finish the first task and then move on to the next. Also having the ability to organize effectively, the High S will develop a system to get the job done.

8. Loyal, long-term relationships

High S's on the team will form loyal, long-term relationships with the people with whom they associate. When the going gets tough, the High S may be able to hold the team together because of the close relationships they have nurtured and developed. High S's bring some incredible strength to the team. Their loyalty and ability to form close relationships has a cementing effect on the people around them by pulling everyone together for a common goal.

Based on the descriptors and verbiage to this point, make a list of your associates who have a High S in their profile.

Ideal Environment for the High S

Communicating with the High S

Motivation of the High S

The High S wants:

Managing the High S

Possible Limitations of the High S

The limitations listed for the High S are tendencies for the pure High S, which represent a very small percentage of the population. Each of these tendencies may be affected by the position of the D, I, and C factor or the values of the individual.

The High S may:

Studies have shown that when people focus on overcoming their weaknesses, they also diminish their strengths. The most effective people are those who understand themselves and surround themselves with people who are lovingly honest. All people have strengths and weaknesses. Our task is to build on the strengths: “Two heads are better than one”; “Many hands make light work”; “A strand of three is not easily broken”.

It is very important to note that the questions and results were provided by our partners at Target Training International, LTD (T.T.I.) and excerpts from the Universal Language Book DISC (authored by Bell J. Bonnstetter, Judy I. Suiter, & Randy J. Widrick).

As certified trainers for DISC, we must remind you that the information in this assessment, while most likely accurate, is not defining.

The value of understanding one’s self is just the beginning. Imagine being able to spot behavioral styles in others and know how to generate the best results. What a difference that could make in your annual sales!

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